Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 9

Dear Team,

Beginning with Mary, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! There are no words to describe the emotions as we prepare to leave this place. From the moment we found out we were “chosen” I have been overwhelmed at the love, graciousness, and goodness of God. The He would allow my wife Tonia and I to have an opportunity to stay in such a beautiful place with so many memories, and to study in a place Rev. Graham wrote so many sermons and books! I wept as I sat there imagining what it must have been like and now I get to taste!

To top the week off, Ruth stopped by to welcome us to her parents home! She was in town for a funeral and to think that she would take the time to say hello just touched me deeply! I shared with her there were only two men in my life that I had ever wanted to meet on earth, Billy Graham and Ronald Reagan, and I never got to meet either one, but how beautiful it was as I entered the house to see both men in a picture! Wow! She said “well, when you do meet him, he will be so much better”. Yes, we all will be!

Thank you for the beautiful memories! As I close I want to mention for the last six years I have planned to write a book on “Why Every Pastor Needs A Sabbatical” and for the last month I have been writing the rough draft! In this house, in his study, I actually got to write the final chapter! Only God could have orchestrated the timing, the place, and the topic!

Our church offers a historical beach house to Pastors and Missionaries to spend a week for rest in South Florida, but for me - it’s work when I go there! What 100’s of Pastors have enjoyed through our church’s generosity isn’t possible for me! But God knew! He gave me a week here! No words can describe what this time has meant!

Thank you to Steve, Mary and the team for this gift!

God bless you and all who visit here,
Guy and Tonia Melton, Oasis Church of South Florida


Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 10


Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 8