Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 5

A message on the mission and importance of Billy’s Home Place. By: Michael Edds - Pastor Emeritus | Cross Pointe Church | Laurinburg, NC

Dear Friends,

Billy’s Home Place is an urgently needed oasis where pastors and their spouses can come to be refreshed and nourished. 

The pastoral ministry is a God given gift to develop and grow the church.  Pastoring is one of the most rewarding and most demanding jobs on earth.  Pastors are on the frontline of spiritual warfare over the souls of precious human beings.  They are the hands of Christ extended.

A church family has more responsibility than it knows to care for and ease the burden of the Pastor and his family.  So many churches have failed to care for their Pastor, his wife and children.  In fact, some make it very difficult on them. 

David said in Psalm 109, “My heart is wounded within me.”  Internal wounds are always more serious than external wounds.   Many of our pastors and their families are hurting and many have been wounded by the very people they are giving their lives for. 

There are immense demands and stress of a job that requires a 24/7 commitment.  Often Pastors feel lonely, overwhelmed, and isolated because of an uncaring church.  There are two types of people who make up a church.  There is the religious Pharisaical church member and then there is the Christ-like righteous church member.  The righteous will love, support, honor and follow a godly Pastor.  The religious often will abuse and oppose a godly Pastor and his family. Political divisions and opposition in the church are burdensome. Often, the vision God has given a Pastor for the church conflicts with the church’s own direction.  As a result, Pastors are often not treated with respect by the congregation. 

Many churches will not provide the Pastor a decent salary and benefits such as health insurance that church members themselves enjoy.  All these issues are causing a flight from the Pastorate.  The lack of love and support for the Pastor  has taken a toll on the Pastor’s family. As a result, 50% of Pastors have considered leaving the ministry.  In 2020, 20,000 Pastors left the Pastorate and 4,000 churches closed.  These are frightening statistics.  If this continues, our nation will fall into spiritual darkness.

Thank God for the ministry of Billy’s Home Place and its’ commitment to bring refreshment and healing to Pastors!  Many Pastors and their Ministries will be saved because of the loving care, healing  and nourishment of this much needed ministry.  God bless you!


Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 6


Pastoral Spotlight, Episode 4