Pastoral Spotlight: Episode 1

As we are preparing to return home, we want you to know that our hearts are full of gratitude for this opportunity that you have given to us, to be alone with God. We have found much needed rest for our bodies, soul, and spirit - seeking the perfect will of God for our church, school, and our lives. The peace and presence of God truly abides on this property.

Our desire, more than anything, is that our last days will be our most fruitful and that we will finish our race with excellence! In our community, we are plagued with drug and alcohol abuse that is destroying our young people along with producing an abundance of foster care and orphaned children. We believe that we are being called of the Lord to establish an orphanage. We have decided to attend training and orientation in the upcoming weeks.

Your gracious hospitality has given us the opportunity to pray into this calling and to seek the Face of God for wisdom, discernment, and for confirmation.

In the service of Christ,

Gene and Margaret Campbell

P.S. Thank you for the beautiful study Bible and the heartfelt letter from Ruth Graham.


Pastoral Spotlight: Episode 2