View From the Pew, Letter One

An Open Letter to Pastors from Our Founder

I know very little of what you go through as a pastor or missionary! I never went to seminary, I have no formal Bible education and in fact, I didn’t begin submitting to God and His Word until just a few years ago. Despite a lack of formal theological training, I have received rich lessons from the Lord in the lecture hall of life; many of them hard and painful.

My first memory of a pastor was in McKinney, Texas. As a child, I was naïve about the harsh conditions that I experienced daily in my home. While I’ve never sought sympathy for the conditions of our environment, if it wasn’t for our Pastor's prayers and encouragement to my mother, brother, and me, we wouldn’t have survived the challenges and conditions of a father riddled with addictions and anger. 

It may have appeared that our Pastor's encouragement and prayers offered little value, but looking back, I now believe that my Pastor was laying the groundwork for my brother and me, not only to know Jesus, but to receive healing and wholeness despite the mental and physical abuse we experienced as children. 

Now, many years later, the Lord has allowed me to be impacted by several great Pastors like you! Some I consider dear friends; others I’ve sat in the pew on Sunday’s feeling that their message was only for me! If I could only count the times that I’ve walked away with a deeper love and appreciation for God’s Word. For that, I hope you know how truly appreciative I am of Pastors who faithfully deliver the Word in Truth! 

I’ve often found myself wanting to call and thank my Pastor or pull him aside after church and offer a hug of gratitude. You probably have a church full of laity who sit dormant, paralyzed because of fear and personal failures. I revere you as God's messenger; you deserve to be adorned with a medal of honor.
To me, your call is bigger than life, especially for a little guy like me.

Growing up, when my father told me that I was worthless, you told me I was worthy! When I was beaten, you brought me bandages! When I was cursed, you spoke words of kindness and affirmation! When my wife left me, you told me that the Lord would never leave me! When my best friend died, you told me God is my greatest companion! When I had no money, you told me I was rich! When my business was failing, you told me all things work out for those who have been called according to His purpose! As I prospered again, you reminded me that it’s for His glory, not mine, and all blessings belong to Jesus! You have been faithful in handling God’s Word when the world is turning from it! While you may not feel appreciated because I have failed to say thank you, please accept this as my failure, not yours! 

You are needed, and loved even if I don’t hug you! You’re the father on earth I never had! You are a picture of the Gospel that I desperately needed to see.  You are the glue to who I am in Christ! Your message is what I need to hear after a week of getting dirty in a world of pain! Your road is hard, but I pray that you don’t give up! My prayer is that you enter into God’s rest despite what you see around you! You serve as a constant reminder that God is on His throne and He loves me. 

You are His messenger to the flock. Sheep, like me, who tend to wander. We hear but often fail to heed! You may not always see the fruit of your work but I’m a slow-growing seed that needs time and water! Some day you will be in Heaven and I will see you from a distance and run up to you with open arms and hug you in a manner you have never received.

It’s because of you I’m here! Because of your faithfulness, we will share in the eternal rewards of resting with our Heavenly Father together! While you await your big reward in Heaven, I still await the reward of hearing your Spirit-filled sermons each week. I may not sit on the front row or attend your church but as a passionate follower of Christ who has been transformed by the Gospel, I consider myself an extension of your flock. Because of your faithfulness, men like me are being led and fed by healthy churches.  Thank you for all you do! 

Steve L. Thomas

Founder, Billy’s Home Place


View From the Pew, Letter Two