View From The Pew, Letter Eight

Several years ago, my wife and I found ourselves at a new church. We had been looking for a church that stayed true to God’s Word.  After a few weekends of sermons, we felt this must be the one we were looking for. A month or two later we found ourselves being embraced and loved on by the pastor and wife which is what we always longed for.  

Several weeks later not only were we loved on, but we were being treated as royalty. When pulling into the large parking lot we were ushered forward to a private parking place in the front of the church.  We were then taken forward to an area marked ‘Reserved Seating’ in the front of the sanctuary. ‘Peacock feathers flourished!’ Never had I ever had such attention. Our tithe had earned us a seat at the table of ‘the elect’!  

I thought, ‘We’ve made it!’ God’s chosen! After this short season of the ‘peacock strutting in the room,’ I started to feel convicted that this is not the Lord! In fact, my feeling of accomplishment and pride began to transition to shame! “Is this treatment really how the Lord works,” I asked? After several weeks of prayer, asking God for confirmation that what we were doing was right or wrong, in His love for me, God gave me the verse of the widow and her sacrificial giving two small mites.  

“He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. 3 He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; 4 for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”  (Luke 21:1-4)

After several days of meditating on this great Word of God, I found myself wearing a blanket of shame but still asking for a sign. Yes, I wanted something visual. Well, God doesn’t disappoint! After church one Sunday we were being ushered out––yes, ushered out like a bunch of peacocks.  As we approached the back pew, my eye caught an older lady with a walker navigating her way from her seat to the aisle. As the peacocks approached, chests inflated, the security detail pushed her back so the inflated elite could get by. As if in slow motion I watched this woman of God, the ‘Mite Giver,’ the one that should be ushered to the front now being pushed aside. 

At that moment, I went from a peacock to a turkey! I imagined the years of honoring God she must have served, giving, seeking God’s face, and yet ‘the elect’ had taken her seat! My mind wondered how much she must give that is really a sacrifice. How does she even get to church? Does the church pick her up? Where is she having lunch? When was the last time the church called her or hugged her?

Soon after that horrible day we left the church. The sad fact is I did ask the pastor to meet with me hoping we could correct the wrongs but priorities to the elite were too strong. Unfortunately, many have left the church, which we will never know why.

Looking back, I believe there were two bad eggs in the bunch.  The first was me and my flesh! I was wrong to want special treatment from the pastor. Yes, I crave, like others, to have a relationship with my pastor.  However, like others that have been blessed to give, I should fight to sit in the back row! We should shrink back at our high position! Our blessings come from the Lord.  As much as my flesh wants attention, I should fear serving my flesh! 

‘Kill the peacock!’ Those who are blessed should be responsible to lift and exalt the ones in need (we should exalt not be exalted)! And guess what! I do believe in God’s love for me, and the Lord wanted me to be corrected. My glasses had become foggy. My feathers were being stroked, and not only by me but also by my pastor.  So, God sent a Messenger. Yep, He used the Holy Spirit to turn my crooked path to a straight one. He reminded me that the first will be last and the last will be first (“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” Matthew 19:30)!  I should take joy in sitting in the back row and take pride in helping someone worthy to get to the front! I’m the first bad egg!

Pastors, now this is for you! Sorry, but it’s your turn. Like the humble woman in the back who is the real hero, peacocks at your church want to be told the truth. Yes, church peacocks like me want to know the truth!

We are fluffed up all week and if we do get to church, it’s because the Lord wants us there! We not only need and want the Truth but my honest opinion is that if you cater to peacocks because of their tithe, you will wear yourself out! 

While we prosper on Earth, we don’t want this to be our Heaven! Because peacocks often fear losing what they have, maybe you should talk about the two heavens. They are often living in their heaven but won’t make it to the real Heaven! Many peacocks worked to build their private heaven, but they’ll fail at getting to the One that’s free! The truth is, even as saved peacocks are treated well, on the inside, it is the Spirit of Truth that is wrestling.  And for the unsaved peacocks, like I once was, we long for the real Heaven.

We need to turn the table! Escort the real elite to the front––the real heroes of our faith. And for guys like me, let me know I need to help flip the prosperity table! Unfortunately, for both of us, if I get exalted over the lady in the back row, we both eventually lose!

- Founder of Billy’s Home Place, Stephen L. Thomas


View From The Pew, Letter Nine


View From The Pew, Letter Seven